

There are 645 brands

Showing 601 - 612 of 645 items
  • Vega Sicilia

    Vega Sicilia is probably the most recognized of Spain in the world winery. Eloy Lecanda founded in 1864. During its nearly 150 years of history, the winery has changed owners but always maintaining its own personality in their wines: concentrated, genres and very elegant.
  • Venus 'La Universal'

    The Universal is a small farm of 4 ha. located in the municipality of Falset, of granitic soils (Saul), acids and very low organic matter content, from which this restless winemaker, daughter of Jose Luis Perez (More Martinet), and her husband René Barbier, produce wines with names goddesses and heroines of mythology within the parameters of viticulture ecológica.Debido the youth of the vineyard, grape Carignan buy five winegrowers in the area controlled by the winery.
  • Veuvé Clicquot Ponsardin

    Who was the first to think of using the old quarries to stock champagne bottles? Although it is difficult to say, Veuve Clicquot did take advantage of the opportunity to increase cellaring space for its wines. In 1909, the House bought some magnificent chalk cellars, located on the Saint-Nicaise hills, which today enjoy new life as ageing cellars.

  • Vía de la Plata

    Our cellars located in Almendralejo (Extremadura) produce excellent wines since 1985, still following the traditional method. Among our products highlights several types of caves, without forgetting also a production of excellent white and red wines.

    The quality obtained by the method and carefully followed in the preparation, is the main characteristic of our wines and cavas.
  • Viña Bujanda

    Martinez Bujanda group consists of five wineries: Finca Valpiedra, Viña Bujanda, Finca Antigua, Cosecheros and Breeders, and a new winery project in the Rueda, Finca Montepedroso. These wineries are very different, but they have a common denominator: making quality wines from its own vineyards, located in privileged enclaves.
  • Viña Callejuela

    Three generations of mayetos mark the origin and destiny of Callejuela. In 1980, Francisco Blanco Martínez, father of the current managers, started his small winery after more than 20 years as a labourer in different vineyard fields. Located in the center of Barrio Alto Sanlúcar, on Caño Dorado Street, it used to sell almost all of its production to other wineries. As a good and forward-thinking creator, from day one he began to create the origins of today's Callejuela. In the 80's he acquired several vineyards; 5 hectares in El Hornillo, 5 hectares in Macharnudo, La Añina in Las Mercedes de Jerez or La Casilla, among others. More than 28 hectares between Sanlúcar, Jerez and El Puerto.
Showing 601 - 612 of 645 items


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